Unlock the Five Key Elements of a Successful and Profitable Retreat!

If the following sound like you, do yourself a favor & don´t miss this training!


Although I have been considering hosting a retreat, I am scared of failing, scared of losing my money.


Dying to run a retreat but don´t know where to start? Do I hire a venue first or do I find facilitators to help?


Are you worried you are not going to fill up your retreat? I don´t have an audience, how will I fill it?


Who am I to host a retreat? There are so many more qualified people hosting retreats. Why me????


I don´t know where to find the right people to sign up for my retreat

Is this you? If this is you I want to talk to you about this challenge that I am hosting in 2 weeks!

Here´s just some of what you´ll learn in the Challenge

  • 5 Key Steps that allow you to successfully sell-out your retreats and create your desired financial freedom

  • How to market your retreat with integrity and work through any insecurity of selling or feeling spammy.

  • How by shifting your mindset & energy you can create & launch a retreat without investing 100´s of hours.

  • My secret sauce to keep attracting retreaters into your retreat without it being salesly.

  • What to do if I don´t feel qualified or confident enough to create a retreat and are perpetually waiting for the "right time"

Attending a retreat can be a life-changing experience. It is an opportunity for deep & rapid transformation & YOU are creating the container for so many people to change their lives.

Isn´t that a gift??

The 5-Day Challenge to Sold-Out Retreats is specially designed to guide you into the journey of creating your dream retreat business.

"How does one become a butterfly? She asks pensively. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." Trina Paulus

Wouldn't it feel amazing that you get to use your energy doing what you love rather than spending your time doing "admin work"?

When you join you will be able to engage with other participants that can provide valuable insights and perspectives that you may not have considered before.

What do I want? "Our intention creates our reality" - Wayne Dyer

Are you ready to stop hustling and trying to sell your retreat spots?

Join this exciting journey toward sold-out retreats at your own pace

Over the next 5 days, we will provide you with actionable steps and expert guidance to sell out your next retreat.

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Sign up now for the 5-Day Challenge and secure your spot before it's too late!

What People Are Saying!

Hi! I´m Leni ... Wanna get to know me better?

I am a marketing expert, business strategist & conscious event curator and founder of The Retreat Planner.

I have worked with super cool people!

  • Dr Joe Dispenza

  • Gurmukh

  • Xuan Lan

  • and many others

Some fun facts about me!

  • I spent 6-months going to retreats every week!

  • I love my dog Coco and I pamper him too much!

  • I am scared of free falling... so I go and do it whenever I have a chance...

  • I traveled to 25 countries in 5 years while having a full-time job

  • I chose me! and becoming an entrepreneur without planning it, I woke up one morning and said to myself I AM DONE!

I started planning events when I was 15 years old and I haven´t stopped loving it! Through time I found that there was something more powerful than events, it was retreats! 

I myself went into a retreat adventure and explored many modalities and through them I healed, expanded and transformed. If you have hosted or attended one, you know what I am talking about. As the founder of the retreat planner, I help our clients create unforgettable and profitable retreats.

I love teaching you how to make your own business or wellness retreat profitable.

One of my specialities is business strategy, coaching and Loyalty Marketing, I was actually part of the team that launched Marriott Bonvoy in the Middle East & Africa.

I have planned over 80 retreats and now I desire to show you how you can do it too!

Got Questions? I´ve Got Answers

Is this 5-Day Challenge live?

NO! You will receive access to the sessions via email and I will show you the 5-Steps to Sold-Out Retreats

I am not sure if this training is for me, can you explain who this training is for?

Sure! This training is for people hosting retreats that know they can have more attendees, be more profitable & for aspiring retreat leaders

I have taken some courses on Retreat Planning, will I learn anything new?

Totally, I can promise that you will not find anyone else who teaches the way I do!

Sign Up Here! 🔽

Grab this before it´s gone!

VALUE $2447+

  • Exclusive access to watch 5 sessions with Leni (value $1,447)

  • 1:1 strategy call with Leni to sell-out your retreat (value$1,000)

  • Workbook to accompany each day’s training (value $197)

  • Bonus: Ideal Client Meditation (value $97)

for only $297

Sign Up
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“True courage is pursuing your dream, even when everyone else says it’s impossible.” - Barbie

Our mission is to empower you to create a thriving business. However, you understand that we do not offer any representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding your earnings, business profit, marketing performance, audience growth or any results of any kind. You alone are responsible for any actions that you take and the results therefrom. You agree that your results are dependent on various factors including but not limited to, skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business acumen, and finances and in no way dependent on any information or products we provided to you.